Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Short Analysis Evaluation

My personal rubric

17/20   quality of the research question
18/20   developed categories of analysis relevant to the data and to the research question
15/15   relevant, effective examples to demonstrate what the categories show with respect to the research question
15/15   clear, direct statements of what the examples show with respect to the research question
13/15   clear, logical organization appropriate for writing studies research essays
8/10   conclusion  sums up findings and reflects on limitations of the analysis and/or further possibilities for study
5/5     grammar/readability

Total: 91/100

I feel that although I had my research question, I sort of jumped around and had two similar questions. I had the question in there but it took me a while to ask it. The way I wrote it seemed like a two-part question and I'm not sure if that's acceptable. In addition, I applied a few examples from the reading and really elaborated on it to answer the question that I mentioned. I feel that the examples were my strong point to my essay.

For the most part I gave a lot of examples as well as personal thoughts and experiences to support what I was talking about. Initially I wrote about the first part and wrote my points and examples to explain. Next I wrote about the second part and discussed the transition from the first to the second part. Lastly, I felt my conclusion was up to par. It wasn't excellent but it wasn't horrible in my opinion. Of course I always focus on grammar and clarity to make sure that my paper sounds right. Overall, I would give myself an A- or B.

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