Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Blog 9

Discovering Student's Study Habits: Does excessively studying improve results?

 Introduction questions:

- What year are you?
- What is your major? (Has to be English, communication, education, or social science)
- Current occupation
- What are your hobbies?
- Does your major give more papers or exams?

Do you study often?

If yes.....

- How many hours do you study a day?
- How many hours do you study per week?
- Do you find it useful?

If no.....

- Do you often procrastinate?
- How many hours do you study prior to an exam?
- Do you still get good results?

Do you prefer writing papers or taking exams?

If Papers....

- How many days does it take for you to complete an average paper (4 to 5 pages)?
- Do you work on the paper the day it's given or the day it's due?
- Are you easily distracted when writing papers?
- Do you leave music or the television on when you write?
- Do you write papers alone or with another person?
- Do you do peer reviews for your papers before submitting?
- Do you see yourself as a clutch writer (Ability to write at the last minute)?
- Do you pull all-nighters?

If Exams....

- How many hours do you study prior to an exam?
- Do you cram often?
- Are you easily distracted when studying?
- Do you study while listening to music? Do you find it helpful?
- Do you prefer to study alone or with groups?
- How many hours do you sleep prior to the day of the exam?

Discussing Strategies

- Do you often ask your professor for feedback?
- Do you find studying a few days prior to the exam effective?
- Where is your ideal place to study?
- Is music or other background sounds soothing or distracting to you?
- Is it better to study during the day or at night?
- Is it overall better to work alone or in groups?

What advice would you give to people for preparation regarding papers and exams?

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